Economic Growth


Protecting Open Space

Our AAA Bond Rating

Republicans Support

  • Local Control of our Schools
  • Law Enforcement & First Responders
  • Fiscal Responsibility

It is important that our work continue. Please consider actively supporting the election of ourOrange Republican team in the 2023 town election. Donations in any amount will help our effort.






Our Republican team has worked to keep your local taxes stable while supporting our excellent schools, maintaining vital town services, protecting our green open space and improving our infrastructure.

My team, including our Board of Finance (BOF), have stretched every tax dollar and in fact lowered our mill rate despite of the current high rate of inflation. Our BOF have kept voters informed of budget developments and the reasons for decisions made that impact you, the taxpayer.


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Orange Republican Youth Advisory Coalition

The Republican Party of Orange is ready to invest directly in today's youth and tomorrow's leaders! If you're a young Republican (30 & Under) prepared to step up, show up, and speak up, join our Orange Republican Youth Advisory Coalition!


Orange is a wonderful town with excellent schools, safe neighborhoods, and protected green spaces.

This didn’t happen by accident. Sound town management and fiscal planning by our First Selectman and his Republican team has enabled us to achieve many objectives for the people of Orange. Add to that a strong spirit of volunteerism, and you have a formula for success.

Excellent schools require strong financial planning. Education comprises over 61% of our budget, so Jim Zeoli and our Board of Finance pay close attention to the requirements of both Amity Regional and Orange elementary schools and the need to keep your taxes under control.

As Chairman of the Orange Board of Education (OBOE), Republican Bill Kraut worked with our school superintendent, teachers, and the OBOE to safely provide both remote and in-person learning throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

Jim Zeoli, working with our Board of Finance, made sure that funds were available to modify our schools, allowing them to remain safely open. Orange schools were one of less than 3% of school systems statewide to have in-school learning during the COVID pandemic.

Safe neighborhoods require the strong support of our police and Orange Volunteer Fire Department (OVFD). We continue to support our police with needed upgrades to communications, fleet, and other requirements.

A spirit of volunteerism is strong in Orange. From people who serve on our boards and commissions to those who work behind the scenes at our town events to our volunteer fire department, these people help make Orange a great place to live.

Open space acquisition has greatly increased during Jim Zeoli’s time in office. As a result of sound management and strong economic development, we were able to achieve S&P's AAA bond rating. This lowers the cost of borrowing for open space purchases.

We continue to protect our community’s green character through strategic open space purchases. The acquisition of the Racebrook Country Club was an important step in controlling its future development while generating revenue for the town. Orange has recently acquired land on Wheeler’s Farm Road.

These objectives could only have been achieved with the sound management practices of Jim Zeoli and his team, along with the volunteers who help out at our events and serve on our boards and commissions.

On Wednesday July 20, 2023 Jim Zeoli was nominated as our Republican Candidate for First Selectman.

Read excerpts from the nominating and seconding speeches.

Paid for by Orange Republican Town Committee, Despina Esposito, Treasurer